Exposed AGAIN: Suzanne Posel a.k.a. Sanne Cohen (Occupy Corporatism)

February 22, 2014 – 4KEY.NET


This video is 100% proof of the fact that the FORGED documents as discussed in this 4KEY.NET report come from both Vincent Eastwood and SUSANNE COHEN POSEL. This CANNOT be denied nor debunked in ANY WAY!

Eastwood and COHEN POSEL are complete alternative trash and their operations should be put out of business ASAP!

Listen for yourself, hear how Vincent Eastwood and SUSANNE COHEN POSEL indulge themselves in the lies.

Video link:


suzanne posel, susanne cohen, occupy corporatism, the us independent , fraud, scam, fake, fake attorney, santilli, fake lawyer, david posel

What a wimp!

Cohen Posel has also complained at Youtube. The video below was banned because they feel offended by it. Well, they should have known that their deception and forgery will be exposed FOREVER.


It’s no secret anymore that several alternative and “truther” websites and organizations may have been honest when they started out until they had been compromised or are just pure resistance hijackers from the very start.

For example, aside from what Infowars on its own has been doing and has become lately it also has something in common with Rense, they both keep the truth about Fukushima away from their audience. On purpose.

And before we can start to write about Suzanne (Susanne, Sanne) Cohen Posel from the Occupy Corporatism and The US Independent websites it is important to first add Wikileaks [1, 2], Paul Hellyer, Assange and Snowden to the list of deceptive alternative venues and “truthers” because it has to be made clear that a bigger alternative picture is developing.

So what’s the big deal about fraudster Suzanne Cohen Posel?

In 2012 and 2013 the founder of Occupy Corporatism, Suzanne Posel had been exposed [1, 2, 3] by others who found it necessary to tell the truth movement who she really is, how she operates and how she successfully deceived the public on her way up the ladder in the truth movement.

Unfortunately we found out about this only recently although it’s news that has been going around since at least November of 2012. If it weren’t for the resent cases in which alternative news outlets and whistleblowers were exposed as deceivers and if it weren’t for Suzanne Cohen Posel’s new website, The US Independent, we would probably not have made a big deal about it since the world is filled with liars and decepticons anyway. But given the fact that there’s a bigger picture developing and given the fact that Cohen Posel is being granted a status of ‘honest source’ (just like Jones, Snowden, Rense and Assange) by thousands of people through her cooperation with rather popular personalities in the alternative media it is imperative that we help to expose her before she hijacks more segments of the truth movement, which is rapidly falling apart unfortunately due to all the previous mentioned fake truthers and deceiving alternative outlets.

Suzanne Cohen Posel was able to rise because she deceives her audience and she plagiarizes herself and her websites to fame.

Occupy Corporatism’s Susanne Posel Claims To Publish “100 % Original” Articles While Plagiarizing Writers Like It’s Going Out Of Style.

Plagiarism has no business in investigative writing. In fact, it seriously undermines the effort.

Jurriaan Maessen

Suzanne (Susanne, Sanne) Cohen Posel claims to have written more than 4,200 exclusive articles since she first started her website Occupy Corporatism in 2011. Knowing that she’s a professional article spinner one may wonder how many of those 4,200 are actually hers. In fact one may rightfully ask himself whether she has done any research at all in the past for “her articles.” It’s fair to assume she has not, that she indeed is nothing but a fraudulent copy/paste spinner.

Now that we know she’s a professional liar it’s safe to assume that the reports about her of creating fake faxes to the FBI and fake e-mails from lawyers are true.

Although she’s a smart liar and decepticon the faked documents are rather poor, they don’t pass our sniff test in any way.

It’s hard to mislead a trained eye but unfortunately many people do buy her shilling and deception. It’s time to stop it and put her websites out of business ASAP because they not only destroy what is left of the truth movement they are also an insult to those who actually try their best to dig for the truth. Journalism ethics be damned when it comes to Suzanne (Susanne, Sanne) Cohen Posel.

So although her disgusting show is not really new for some people, the fact that she’s still being recognized by many as a good truther is a sign that her deception is still doing wonders for her.

It’s time we put a halt to the fame of Suzanne (Susanne, Sanne) Cohen Posel and the rest of the fake truthers and deceivers, they have hijacked enough already. Lets save what is left.

Now, we will not leave you empty-handed and spoil the party, here are the documents that Suzanne (Susanne, Sanne) Cohen Posel created herself or were created upon her request which were used during her “Pete Santilli is an FBI Informant” campaign.

1. Fake fax #1 to the FBI (allegedly sent by Santilli):

(Excerpt from the fake fax as distributed by Cohen Posel, Anonymous and

suzanne posel, susanne cohen, occupy corporatism, the us independent , fraud, scam, fake, fake fax, santilli

2. Fake fax #2 to the FBI (allegedly sent by Santilli):

This is supposed to be the exact same fax as fax #1above. Unfortunately for the scammers, Cohen Posel and co., they made a stupid mistake because not only is the time stamp NOT the same even the TITLE is different and misspelled. What a bunch of amateurs when it comes to forgery, whoever it may be that has produced such junk for her if it wasn’t COHEN POSEL herself.

(Excerpt from the fake fax as published on Cohen Posel her own website)

suzanne posel, susanne cohen, occupy corporatism, the us independent , fraud, scam, fake, fake fax, santilli

3. The Signatures

The following signatures were taken (screenshots) from alleged real documents supposedly coming from COHEN POSEL’s lawyer, sent to Santilli.

Signature #1 allegedly from Rachel Lea Hunter, Attorney at Law:

suzanne posel, susanne cohen, occupy corporatism, the us independent , fraud, scam, fake, fake attorney, santilli, fake lawyer, fake signature

Signature #2 also allegedly from Rachel Lea Hunter, Attorney at Law (Cohen Posel’s lawyer), yet the signature is completely different and the handwriting doesn’t match in any way. What a flock of Occupy Corporatism LOSERS!

suzanne posel, susanne cohen, occupy corporatism, the us independent , fraud, scam, fake, fake attorney, santilli, fake lawyer, fake signature

Here are the other FAKE COHEN POSEL documents: (the most unprofessional of all!!)

And here are some great links where you can do some digging yourself.

Knock yourselves out!

Cohen Posel on Myspace

“Jack Eating for the First Time”

“The Training of Jack”

“What we do After Lunch”

Sanne Cohen (=Susanne Posel)

David Posel

Grandma Cohen

The Many Faces Of Occupy Corporatism


Global Tin-Foil Hat Day *Wear it with Pride* Conspiracy “Theory” Awareness

Vinnie Eastwood And Susan Posel Exposed

Suzanne Cohen/Posel the Fake Truther from Occupy Corporatism & The US Independent

Video link:

UPDATE 1 February 23, 2014

Provided by Alternative Media Exposer and

The Posel connection goes all the way up to THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA AND BAIN CAPITOL. Here is info I copied from real investigators:

“David Posel presents himself as head of marketing firm Green Buddha Group and head of CEO Association of North America”

Below is a screen shot of the only link to Green Buddha Group I could find on the internet, which is now dead. Here is the old link!media-marketing/vstc1=tele-sales

In this screen shot below, it is clear to see David Posel is the CEO of the Green Buddha Group.

Also on the Facebook page for the Green Buddha Group on the about section it shows the phone number 503-890-0655.

And here we have the same phone number for Susanne Posel on page 6 of this site:

Notice these two phones numbers are the same.

“With Gratitude,
Susanne Posel Sr. Editor/Site Administrator
Phone: 503-890-0655″

So we now have David J Posel as CEO of Green Buddha Group. This is where it gets interesting. From this same website (this is the only one I could find that actually worked,) we find the following;

“Our Partner, Eagle Television is the national sales representation company for 43 major television stations across the U.S. We are able to deliver large cross-sections of a market and provide advertisers with the ability to fine-tune their marketing plans. Our client stations—which include 20 ABC affiliates, 13 NBC stations, 8 CBS affiliates, 1 myTV station and 1 Fox affiliate—cover parts of 31 states and the District of Columbia, reaching more than 30% of all television households. We offer our client stations the opportunity to make a significant impact in specific segments of the market by using various daypart mixes and cross-promotional opportunities between broadcast television, Internet sites and community outreach programs. Our stations offer national and regional advertisers one-stop shopping to build a local presence.”!media-marketing/vstc1=tele-sales

In looking at the description below of Eagle Television on the Katz Media Group website their description is almost identical, with the exception of “53″ major television stations instead of “43″ as shown in the Green Buddha screen shot above. Otherwise they are the same.
Eagle Television, we find, is owned by Katz Media Group

“Eagle Television is the national sales representation company for 53 major television stations across the U.S. We are able to deliver large cross-sections of a market and provide advertisers with the ability to fine-tune their marketing plans. Our client stations—which include 20 ABC affiliates, 13 NBC stations, 8 CBS affiliates, 1 myTV station and 1 Fox affiliate—cover parts of 31 states and the District of Columbia, reaching more than 30% of all television households. We offer our client stations the opportunity to make a significant impact in specific segments of the market by using various daypart mixes and cross-promotional opportunities between broadcast television, Internet sites and community outreach programs. Our stations offer national and regional advertisers one-stop shopping to build a local presence.”

Who owns Katz Media Group? “In 2000 the Katz Media Group joins the Clear Channel Family.

Who is also connected to Clear Channel –
The connections can be seen on the following two websites

Posted at the site Genesis Communications Network (the Alex Jones network) is an ABC affiliate
WingTV ^ | June 3, 2005 | Victor Thorn & Lisa Guliani posted at

”Art Bell and George Noory’s Coast to Coast AM radio show is syndicated by Clear Channel, one of the ultimate propaganda devils around today. To confirm this, log onto their website where you’ll read the following disclaimer:

Terms of Use Agreement: This site is owned or managed by Clear Channel Communications, Inc. (“Clear Channel”) and is part of the Clear Channel family of companies, which includes other quality entertainment brands such as broadcast and internet radio stations, television stations, Clear Channel Outdoor, Clear Channel Entertainment, and the Premiere Radio Networks (each a “Clear Channel Website,” and collectively the “Clear Channel Websites”). (See: Clear Channel Privacy Policy) “

More on GCN (Alex Jones) & Clear Channel & ABC
From Wing TV.Net

First, regarding GCN’s affiliation with ABC and ClearChannel: GCN had ABC stamped on one of their “Network” streams and “Clear Channel” on another. Recently, these headings have been stripped off their schedule page and removed. GCN is not only an ABC affiliate, but a Clear Channel affiliate as well. Read ‘em and weep:

(GCN-ABC Connection)
(GCN-Clear Channel Connection)

Also from The Alex Jones Machine Round Two
By Lorie Kramer July 12,

“Anderson supports Clear Channel by frequently buying ads for his Midas gold company on it. People send Midas Resources checks for silver and gold…Ted sends checks to Clear Channel.”

This is where it gets very interesting. In The Story Behind the Story website
the following was posted on June 14, 2012 –

Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, and Hannity – Manna from Heaven? This article shows that Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh shows are broadcast from the Premier Radio Network.

“But in all fairness to B’rer Beck, pompous egomaniac Rush Limbaugh also received a HUGE RAISE from the Edomite world puppeteers – topping the pay chart of Premier Radio Networks. Back in 2008, Limbaugh reportedly received a cool $100 million signing bonus, and a contract extension worth $400 million over 8 years. Wow!! Pretty good for a 3 hour a day gig!

Fellow Premier Radio host Sean Hannity also is contracted for $100 million dollars. Thus just for three top toadies, Premier Radio Network is contracted to shell out over $700 million dollars! Business must be BOOMING in the radio market, one would think!

Indeed, FOLLOW THE MONEY is always sound advice when trailing such rats in a sewer. Who is responsible for these Millions to Beck, Limbaugh, and Hannity? Their contracting “employer” is a syndication outfit named “Premier Radio Networks” – and searching deeper we find that “Premier” is a wholly owned subsidiary of a parent company named “Clear Channel”. And who owns “Clear Channel”? Why Bain Capital
of course. You know Bain Capital – the home company of Willard Mittens Romney. But who runs “Bain” and more importantly, where does BAIN CAPITAL get it’s “CAPITAL”? Ms. Orit Gadiesh and company, and the INTERNATIONAL BANKING CARTEL OF THE EDOMITE ELITE – the biblical “Synagogue of Satan”! Who is Orit Gadiesh? Merely the daughter of one of the key figures of the Israeli crime syndicate called the MOSSAD – aka the Israeli Defense Forces. Ms. Gadiesh is no lightweight bimbo. See and read about Ms. Gadiesh’s role in the RISE OF RED CHINA as a financial giant – among other eye-raising topics.”

It appears we now have Susanne (Editor/Administrator) & David Posel (Sales & Marketing Mgr.) of Occupy Corporatism linked through David Posel’s Green Buddha Group to Eagle Television, Katz Media, Clear Channel and finally to Bain Capital. Bain Capital being the jewel that connects Israel Firster/Zionist Mitt Romney, who worked with Benjamin Netanyahu at the Boston consulting group and dual citizen Ms. Orit Gadiesh. Read more on Mitt Romney and Orit Gadiesh here and here and here.

Strange ties for an alternative media website (Occupy Corporatism) who advertises itself as “The Truth Behind the News”

June 9, 2012 – Veterans Today

We are now holding strong proof that Romney and “Bain Capital” are agents of the State of Israel who is attempting to rig an American election on behalf of a group of European entities unfriendly to the continued freedoms left to the American people.

Mitt Romney is, in fact, a clear and present danger to the United States. Chris Bollyn has stated the following, and I find Chris a credible source:

ROMNEY’S ISRAELI HANDLER – Orit Gadiesh, former “War Room” assistant to Ezer Weizman and Moshe Dayan, is the daughter of Israeli Brigadier General Falk Gadiesh (born Falk Gruenfeld, Berlin, 1921) and his Ukrainian-born wife. Gadiesh is chairman of the management consulting firm Bain & Company, the parent company of Bain Capital, and was the company’s managing director under CEO Mitt Romney in 1992. “She’s like a Jewish mother figure to many of the people at Bain,” ex-Bainie Dan Quinn told Fortune magazine in 1996.

Bain Capital owns Clear Channel, the largest radio station group owner in the United States. Clear Channel owns the networks which air the most popular radio talk shows, including The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Glenn Beck Program, The Sean Hannity Show, America Now with Andy Dean, Coast to Coast AM, The Savage Nation, The Mark Levin Show, and The Dave Ramsey Show. (Graphic: “Rush Limbaugh Spills the Beans on the Jewish Conspiracy” by Pat Healy)

Mitt Romney was a co-founder of Bain Capital along with Bill Bain, seen here. Bain was ousted in 1991 and Romney served as CEO of Bain & Company in 1991-1992. In May 1991, while Romney was CEO, Gadiesh was named chairman of the company’s Policy Committee, which set the company’s business strategy and policy. In 1992, under Romney, she became managing director. Orit Gadiesh, who has worked at Bain & Co. since 1977, became chairman of Bain & Co. in 1993.

Orit Gadiesh, born in Israel in 1951, has worked closely with Mitt Romney since at least 1991, and probably much longer since she joined Bain & Company in 1977, when she was 26. Romney appointed Gadiesh to his transition team when he became governor of Massachusetts in November 2002. Gadiesh is the daughter of Falk Gadiesh, an Israeli brigadier general and former member of the general staff who reorganized the Israeli army in the early 1950s after a stint at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Falk’s daughter Orit was chosen to serve in Israeli military intelligence. Her first position in the Israeli military was as assistant to Ezer Weizman, the deputy chief of staff who later became president of Israel. During the early 1970s, she worked in the war room, a bunker where Gen. Moshe Dayan was in charge. As a war room assistant to Weizman, Orit provided military leaders with documents and correspondence.

Prior to joining Bain & Company, Gadiesh served in the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army. Currently, she is on the board of directors of the Peres Center for Peace, an organization headed by a former chief of staff of the Israeli military, Lt. General Amnon Lipkin-Shahak. The high-level Mossadnik Avner Azulay, managing director of the Marc Rich Foundation, is also on the executive board of the Peres Center.

ROMNEY’S INTELLIGENCE CHIEF AND CAMPAIGN ADVISER – Mitt Romney named Michael Chertoff, the Israeli agent who supervised the destruction of the crucial evidence of 9/11, co-chair of his counterterrorism and intelligence advisory committee in October 2011. The 9/11 cover-up continues.

Mitt Romney attended the Mossad’s “Herzliya Conference on Israeli Security” in 2007. Romney and the current Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu worked together as consultants at the Boston Consulting Group early in their careers.

Romney’s close relationship with Orit Gadiesh and Israeli military intelligence is the real reason he is the chosen candidate of the Zionist establishment. Romney is being supported by high-level Zionists, Israeli military intelligence, and their controlled media network. This relationship between the Israeli military and Mitt Romney, a presidential candidate, should be of great concern to all Americans because this is how the Israeli military plans to drag the United States into a war with Iran.