Peace & Charity

It’s not just in politics and on the corporate level, even when it’s about doing really good things for society without the expectation of receiving anything in return, like profits or a legacy, there are corrupt elements who have infiltrated the charity and peace communities. Worse yet, organizations and foundations have been created for the purposes of greed, corruption and domination.

The true rebellion in itself can in fact also be considered as a huge charity project from multiple points of view, for the authentic rebels do not participate with the aim to enrich themselves financially like the executives and CEOs of the corporate foundations do, such as the WWF and the Green Climate Fund.

The legacy and an income to stay alive, received by the authentic rebels in return for their input, is certainly acceptable. After all, they are taking part in epic battles against the rise of tyranny and world domination. Compared to the incomes collected by the CEOs of the big infamous foundations, the rebellion merely keeps it head above water.



A website representing the idea of real change through charity and peace building, without the influence of the corrupt foundations and institutions. The concept is to promote and cooperate with other initiatives and organizations.

Featured is the collection of (inter)national organizations and projects, including regular updates.