Holographic and Virtual Reality: Advanced Version of This Technology to be Used to Also Stage Next False Flags!

Jacobs K. for Truth News International and Holonet Magazine


Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZmXYKAKw9w

About the video:

Admitting this technology in public makes one wonder what is being kept secret.

It can therefore be confirmed that whatever the TV shows or is being broadcasted,even live footage like the Boston Marathon 2013 explosions and the accompanying scenes during the initial events and in the aftermath, is completely available for manipulation as has been proved by the way during the Boston “live” broadcasts (youtube.com/watch?v=o5KlsLOpk2A).

After listening to “The Greatest Conspiracy Ever Told w/ David Hawkins” (Hawkins from AbelDanger.net) on Youtube (youtube.com/watch?v=_OkdvKKk92o), in May of 2013, I finally got a new clue regarding previous videos I had located earlier on the net, which showed odd features but for which I had no basis to come up with a credible explanation.

At least 2 videos claim that “live” TV footage was showing signs of editing, or as David Hawkins would call it: “post production,” which means that the alleged live reports were not live at all since “post” means AFTER.

While watching the next two videos remain focused on the right bottom of the video images. These two videos will show certain items on the ground like blood or gore as televised by ABC News, and as the Youtube users describe it. But then when the official passes by the magic and failures of the post production at the Boston Marathon become visible.

Video 1: youtube.com/watch?v=o5KlsLOpk2A
Video 2: youtube.com/watch?v=XvPX0bgEzNo

David Hawkins also talked about the local router system (Cisco) which might have triggered the bombs at the Boston Marathon, from a CTV satellite truck owned by Signal Systems, Inc (signal.ca)

All this, according to Hawkins, belongs to the McLean Group (Vancouver). Who are also operating the Vancouver Film Studios where Jason McLean is in charge.

Deborah Sharp Furlong, wife of former Olympic Chief John Furlong, died in car crash 4 days before the Boston Marathon (bombs). Deborah Furlong did the post production for the Cold Squad TV Series (CTV).

Abel Danger ties it all together here with much more information: abeldanger.net/2013/05/1504-marine-links-vancouver-cold-squad.html

Also read this forum thread for clues about the Boston Marathon PRODUCTION: budgetcamerareview.com/forum/discussion/114/boston-marathon-post-production/p1

And this report: “Impartial Investigation of the Explosions at the Boston Marathon 2013” truthnewsinternational.wordpress.com/2013/04/21/impartial-investigation-of-the-explosions-at-the-boston-marathon-2013/

It is therefore appropriate to state that on the TV screen they can put anything in your hand, whatever they want and blame you for anything they like, based on the technology displayed in the presented video material of Holographic and Virtual Reality…

NO TO MENTION how they can stage anything else for that matter.

Forget real news at all, this is THE tool to create any reality they please. How about a virtual 1/11, 2/11, 5/11, 6/11, 7/11, 8/11, … 31/11 at will and broadcast it as real “LIVE” events.

On the other hand, what difference would it make for the masses out there, their minds have already been hijacked by the corporate media and by FAKE truthers in the alternative media.


